All Gassed Up

Two challenges I have been working on in 2018 are 1) use as little gas as possible and 2) eat as little refined sugar as I can. So far I’m doing pretty good, especially where gas is concerned.
Since replacing my truck with a Honda Civic at the end of Sept. 2017 I have been lowering my monthly gas budget line – from a high of $200.00 (when I was driving Dougie the Dodge truck) to $60 now (driving the Honda).  A nifty savings of $140.00 per month! Yahoo!
AND… for the past 4 months I’ve only been filling the Honda once a month at a cost of $45.00 so I think it’s time to reduce the budget line for gas even further – from $60.00 to $45.00 a month. Since buying the Honda the monthly amount I spend on gas has decreased by $155.00/month ($200 – $45). My car insurance and house insurance amount to $156.00 ($124 + $32)!! So by switching from a V8 truck to the Honda I am saving enough in gas to pay for car and house insurance!! That’s amazing and has put a big smile on my face!! 
As most of you know I was thinking about going car-free so by driving something a lot more economical and lot more “green” than the truck goes a long ways to making me feel better about still driving.
Once it warms up a little (right now IT IS FREAKING SNOWING!!!) then I won’t even be spending $45.00 per month on gas because I’ll be biking most places within the city. I have met Goal #1 👍

GOAL #2 – the struggle continues…
I would estimate that I have decreased the amount of refined white sugar in my diet by about 75% (or more).  Which is great! I no longer spend time browsing the candy aisles at Dollarama (there are TWO Dollaramas within a block or two of my house though with me not shopping there as much as I used to I’m sure one of them will have to shut down due to poor returns!!) Since the beginning of January I have intentionally made purchases at Dollarama twice. Once was to buy a little somethin somethin for Valentine’s Day which I shared with Kazi. And then one other time when I had a craving for chocolate covered almonds.

Zero Easter eggs consumed this year though I noticed a chocolate bunny on the kitchen counter 🙂 and yes, I had a nibble. But the rest I’ll take up to Kazi’s room where I won’t see it. I’m on the See Food diet, I’m sure you’ve heard of it – “if I see food, I eat it!”

It’s not that I have stopped eating snacks – I have had a few bags of salt and vinegar chips and I have been baking oat scones on a regular basis. In addition, when I have a craving, I eat a few raw nuts which of course are high in fat and calories. BUT, the fat is good fat so they say. We’ve also turned to avocados (again good fat) and very satisfying. I tried (and failed) to eat one or two squares of dark chocolate a day as there are many health benefits but I couldn’t stop at one or two so have had to give that up.

But I’m not giving up wine and beer – you have to draw the line somewhere! Besides…both have health benefits if they are consumed in reasonable amounts!

I’ve had to face the fact that I can’t control myself around sweets. So I try to provide myself with sweet stuff that is somewhat healthier. My scone recipe spreads 1/4 cup of dark brown sugar throughout a yield of 12 scones. I use whole wheat flour instead of refined white flour, large oats, soy milk, butter, one egg and a half cup of currants. They are delicious and filling and use mostly healthy ingredients.

This isn’t a diet about losing weight though I have lost 5 pounds over 3 months. It’s more about trying to make healthier choices. It’s hard though, I admit it. Menopause means I have to eat a lot less to maintain my weight as opposed to when I was a teenager and could eat as much as I wanted without gaining an ounce! NOT FAIR! 

I found a site that calculates your BMI but uses your age as well as gender, height and weight in their calculation. Yippee – on their site I am within the “normal range” – the loss of just 5 pounds and inputting my age (61) and gender has moved me from straddling the line between normal and borderline over-weight. I am going to save the results and look at them everyday for the rest of my life!!!

If you want to check your BMI go to

Thank you for your supportive comments on my last post. Needless to say my confidence was severely shaken by events that happened a couple of years ago but I am on the upswing and have great hopes for the future!

Part of becoming stronger obviously must take into account my physical shape…or lack thereof! It seems that I take in way more calories than I burn! My mother referred to her tummy as “middle-aged spread” which is scarily accurate as I watch my middle spread to my thighs and butt! I have good intentions to eat right and get lots of exercise but my good intentions are often thwarted by the fact I have so many retail stores near me that offer great deals on JUNK food! No Frills, Giant Tiger, WalMart and not just one but TWO Dollaramas!

I’m (sort of) glad I don’t know where to buy
chocolate-covered black licorice!!

My greatest indulgence, as some of you know, is licorice and chocolate. Sometimes I buy dark chocolate instead of milk thinking I am making a healthier choice. HAH! More fool me!

So…anyways I try to balance things out by juicing at least once a day, eating oatmeal for breakfast and having dinners that are mostly based on vegetables. Add to that -daily exercise- which will increase with better weather and I still have a lopsided pear-shaped body but it’s strong!!


My exercise regime includes walking/hiking on Mon. Tues. and Wed., yoga on Thurs. and volleyball on Fridays. Yesterday it rained ALL day so instead of getting outside walking I rode my stationary bike instead. I hope to gradually increase the length of my walks/hikes so that when Annie’s and my trip rolls around in late August I’ll be strong and fit (well, fit for me!) Usually I don’t do much in the way of exercise on the weekend but I may try to get on my bike for an hour each day.


It’s the age old problem, no?

Plover Mills

Where have I been?  I have been so excited about the wonderful weather we’ve been experiencing (sorry East Coasters…) that I haven’t been spending much time indoors. But today we’ve had some rain on and off…so here I am!!

Last Friday I spent some time on my bike and ended up downtown to snag a few photos of Kazi’s latest gig – full-time day bartender at a brand new micro-brewery/bar/restaurant/retail store!! It’s called Toboggan and I can’t wait til a hot and sweaty bike ride ends with me sitting at my daughter’s bar drinking a craft beer served by her loving hand! Hoping for too much??

She’s worked a couple of shifts though they aren’t officially open yet. They’ve had a few corporate events over the past week just for practice and to spread the word. Well…I just made that up but it sounds pretty good doesn’t it? I do know they had some corporate events – I don’t know when the grand opening is.

I was hoping Kazi might see me out the window and offer me a beverage but no…but your eagle eye might espy the top of a toboggan by the open window.

Saturday I hiked the Plover Mills Trail….again. We moved so fast that I couldn’t really get any good photos so like the trooper I am I went back by myself in the afternoon to just stroll and take photos. Because you KNOW how I LOVE photos!!


And this is why it’s called Bloodroot!

Hundreds of Trilliums (our provincial flower) throughout the woods…there’s a closeup further down…


Most of the year large parts of the Thames River are too shallow for canoes, kayaks etc but right now it’s still full from the spring run-off.

Did you know their were red Trilliums too?

 I love looking straight down into skunk cabbage – very pretty.


Do any of my plant experts know the name of this purplish plant?

Sunday I went to the trailer and I have WATER!! Hurrah! Only cold water for now as I have to call the natural gas company to get hooked up – natural gas will also power my stove and I’m thinking of getting a natural gas BBQ too!! No more propane tanks!  I was too busy to take any photos…oh darn! The birds seemed to enjoy my grass seed 😦  I spent most of the day inside cleaning which was too bad as it was  quite mild and sunny but soon all the work will be done and I can just go and enjoy myself.

I spent lots of moolah today at Dollarama buying stuff for the trailer – cutlery, dishes, utensils, etc etc. And now you’re caught up on the life of Jane. Oh, except for this evening – my brother is having a “shed night” to meet some people from the Netherlands who are staying with a neighbour and to listen to the tunes of Bob Dylan. Yes, it’s a Dylan night. I’m not overly fond of him so I may leave early. I saw him once in concert and he kept his back to us the whole night, never even acknowledged our presence…you know, the presence who paid $100 for a friggin’ ticket!!


It was as I thought – a blister under the toenail. I might lose the nail but then again I might not. However, toenails grow so slowly it’ll be awhile before I know either way. As long as it’s NOT FUNGUS I am a happy camper!

Well, happy until I look at my budget this month. I’ve been pointedly ignoring it the past couple of weeks and it hasn’t been doing too well on its own. Don’t ever leave your budget to look after itself…just sayin’…

Is March like the longest month of the year? It’s only the 13th today for Pete’s sake! Already I’ve transferred small amounts of money from savings into chequing to cover things…possibly but highly unlikely I might have $$ at the end of the month to put back into my savings but I’m not getting my hopes up too high.

So what has the misc budget been spent on so far this month??

  • my lovely new Merrell hiking sandals shown above around half-price $66.00 (includes taxes) I’m somewhat optimistic that spring, summer and fall WILL OCCUR at some point this year and when they do I’ll be ready!! These give me an alternative to my hiking boots – I might even be able to wear them occasionally when hiking Hadrian’s Wall when/if the weather is nice. At the very least I can wear them each day after hiking to give my feet a break! I just started wearing them around the house and I feel as though I have nothing on my feet. 
  • expensive eye drops and omega 3 vitamins to combat “dry eye” syndrome (I’m so tired of winter and it’s effects on my body!!)  $32.00
  • some household things from Dollarama (oh…and candy!) $17.00
  • load my Timmy’s card – $15.00
  • income tax software – $21.00
  • donation to help bring Nate home  $20.00
  • truck repair $11.00
  • movie $10.00
  • utilities (I underestimated both my electricity and natural gas – damn winter!!) $15.00
  • membership $192.00 (I swear this gets more expensive every year!)
  • Take-out food from Hong Pings $43.00
  • Wine – $20.00
  • Giant Tiger (jacket & chocolate bar) $32.00
That comes to a total of…..$494.00. I have $306 left in misc for a total of $800. Since my misc budget is set at $600 that means I’ve pulled $200 out of savings. I still have over 18 days left in March!! Yikes! I am REALLY going to try to make many of those NO SPEND DAYS!! 

The good news is I received over $800 in interest payments this month and am anxiously awaiting my tax refund to be deposited (over $1200). These monies will all go towards travelling this year. I have possibly 4 trips in the offing from a 4 day weekend to 2 weeks in England.  AND I’m hoping to buy a trailer soon. 
Bye bye money!!
Anyone else having an expensive month?

Budget Update

I have TOO MUCH money. Yes, you heard me right. And somewhere, somehow it’ll be taken from me, I just know it. It’s not a large amount but I’ve gone wrong in my budget calculations somewhere even though I use a calculator!! I would be more worried if I had TOO LITTLE money which is what usually happens. I’m just going to sit on it til the end of the months and all the bills are paid. If that little extra bit is still there then off to savings it goes.

Today’s budget adjustments were small as predicted. It only cost $20 to fill up the truck!!! That’s how much gas I used since last Monday. I’ve been more strategic in my driving – car (truck) pooling to hiking spots with a friend :), doing all of my errands on one day and so on. It helps – and so does paying only 84.7 cents per litre of gas!! I only have one more gas fill up til February (fill up every Monday) so I will have gas money left to move to savings as there is still $108 left in the gas budget. Woo hoo!

After shelling out $115 last Monday on food & household items today’s total was only $30 plus $4.25 spent at Dollarama. I only needed to add to my produce as I still have about 2/3rd’s of the food from last week’s shop left in the fridge/freezer/pantry!! There is one “shop” left in January and $107 left in the food budget so no worries there. I foresee sending about half of that to savings at the end of the month!
My misc items for this week – I love the little dustpan/sweepers, they are so handy for little cleanups – one for the upstairs bathroom and one for the workshop.

The rest of the money I spent was for luscious produce. Stuffed peppers are on the menu this week, and obviously lots more guacamole 🙂

My misc budget is getting low however. I decided to bite the bullet and buy an air purifier for the workshop. I can wear a mask while I’m working but my lovely Luna can’t and if I’m in the workshop then she’s in the workshop.  And then my friend invited me to go with her to see Canadian rocker  BRYAN ADAMS who’s coming to London in February so I said YES!! Plus I overspent on art supplies, got the oil changed and new windshield wipers on the truck, bought a couple of books, indulged at the Wine and Food show, went to see “The Imitiation Game” and went out to dinner with my nephews!! I HAVE been busy and spendy haven’t I? So I have $120 left in my misc budget which I need to stretch over 12 days – I can do it!! Plus I have some $$ in my wallet. As long as nothing unexpected comes up I should be ok plus there’s the cushion in the gas and food budgets if I need it.

February’s budget will see a few little adjustments with the drop in car/home insurance covering the increase in condo fees and taxes. AND joy oh joy I get a cost of living increase on my pension amount starting January 31st. A whopping $20 extra per month – woot woot!! It doesn’t sound like much (it ain’t much at all) but it would pay for FOUR $5.00 movie nights at Rainbow Cinema!! That’s something!

Today’s cuteness:

Staying cozy