
You’re right 444 – it’s time for an update!

On the physical side of things I’m not getting any worse.  I’ve had the occasional day when I thought the pain was a bit less, but not often. I’ve tried topical gels and creams with some temporary relief of symptoms. Pain pills, even those with an added muscle relaxant, haven’t really helped. And, very sadly, acupuncture isn’t having its usual magical effect.

So, what did the doctors recommend? Well, the acupuncturist said to walk 8-10km per day and to also do something different like swimming. I don’t swim but I will consider an aquafit class if I can find one.  And my GP gave me an “exercise prescription” as well – HOT YOGA!!

She sees a LOT of people like me (walkers, runners, hikers) with very tight muscles and hot yoga can help relax those muscles. So, starting tomorrow, I’m off to a beginner’s hot yoga class. I’ve also started doing some yoga at home thanks to the recommendation on Carla’s “blog of the “Yoga Studio” app.

**You know what would be a cool idea? A blog called “Bloggers helping Bloggers”! A forum for people to post their “problem” and other bloggers could post suggestions and ideas that worked for them.

Anyhoo – on to the depression. Through my own reading I’ve discovered that I’m going through the stages of grief due to a number of losses over the past year and a half: loss of relationship, loss of 20 year old pet, loss of meaningful work (retired), loss of PEI home and future life with partner, and loss of pain free movement. (loss of ability to pursue my hobbies – all of which require sitting)

The stages of grief are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. I’m stuck – I’m done with denial and bargaining….still feel some anger and definitely some depression. So my doctor gave me a referral to a counsellor and I’ve made the initial phone call, now just waiting for a call back so I can set up an appointment. I have NO idea how long I’ll have to wait. In the meantime I’ll continue doing what I’m doing: getting out into nature for long walks/hikes, visiting with family and friends, going to the trailer, doing the fix ups I can manage in the condo and at the trailer, yoga etc.

Today I have a couple of not very physically demanding jobs to do – put new little bumper pads on all of my kitchen cupboards and start prepping the walls in my bathroom for painting. And tonight I have a 2 hour hike. Every hour on the hour I’ll stop whatever I’m doing and get down on my yoga mat for some stretches.  Sounds like a fun day…no? Hey, it makes me feel a wee bit better to be productive in some small way.

In other news….

Kazi bought one of these earlier this week:

It’s a terracotta money pot! She’s saving for “trips and MOVING“!! Of course when she says “moving” she means somewhere like Texas or California…so I’m not going to worry about that yet – it could take quite a while to fill her money pot! With this type of pot there is NO way of getting the money out except to smash it when it’s full reducing the temptation of taking out what you’ve already put in (like I do with my piggy bank!!)

My accomplishment for yesterday was to write a reference letter for a student who helped out with my Best Buddies program at school.  I was dreading it but once I got started it was surprisingly easy. It also brought back a lot of good memories and I had a few tears. Part of me is glad I’m retired from THAT job but a big part of me misses the students and the fun times we had connecting through Best Buddies.

That’s it for now…time for some stretches and blog reading!